Small Ruminant Webinars
A webinar is a seminar presented through the world wide web. All you need to participate is a computer with an internet connection. High speed internet access is recommended. Interaction is via a chat box. Most webinars are recorded, and the recordings are uploaded to YouTube (or some other similar). The University of Maryland Small Ruminant Extension Program has been doing webinars since 2011. Links to recordings and accompanying PowerPoint presentations are posted here. Webinar offerings have increased substantially due to Covid 19.
An Introduction to Small Ruminants (2021)
University of Maryland
Sheep 101 (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Goats 101 (Maegan Perdue)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Raising them (Charlie Sasscer)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Keeping them healthy (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Feeding them (Jeff Semler)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Marketing them (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation
Intensive Sheep Farming Webinar (2020)
University of Maryland | MAMRE Intensive Sheep Farming (South Africa)
Prosperity Through Sheep
Solar Grazing Webinar (2020)
University of Maryland | American Solar Grazing Association
Solar Grazing
YouTube Video
Weekly Worm Webinars (2020)
University of Maryland | Delaware State University | Virginia State University | Fort Valley State University
The Periparturient Egg Rise (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube Video | Power Point Presentation -
Fecal egg counting primer (Dahlia O'Brien)
You Tube Video | Power Point Presentation -
Public Enemy #1: the Barber Pole Worm (Kwame Matthews)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Grazing Away Parasites (Niki Whitley)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Prevention and Treatment of Coccidiosis (Kwame Matthews)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Deworming Right (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation -
What to do when deworming is not enough (Niki Whitley)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Selecting worm resistant animals (Dahlia O'Brien)
YouTube Video | PowerPoint Presentation
BioWorma Webinar (2020)
University of Maryland | Delaware State University | Virginia State University | Fort Valley State University
BioWorma (Chris Lawlor)
Small Ruminant Q & A Webinars (2020)
University of Maryland | Delaware State University | Virginia State University | Fort Valley State University
Lambing & Kidding
YouTube video | Fact sheet -
Lamb & Kid Management and weaning
YouTube video | Fact sheet -
Ask a Small Ruminant Vet
YouTube video | Fact sheet -
Small Ruminant Pasture and Grazing
YouTube Video | Fact sheet
Webinar Series: Raising Sheep Intensively (2019-2020)
University of Georgia | University of Maryland | Michigan State University
Raising sheep intensively (Susan Schoenian)
Video link | PowerPoint presentation -
Design considerations for modern sheep and goat farming infrastructure (Richard Ehrhardt)
Video link -
Providing a year-round supply of lamb with accelerated lambing (Richard Ehrhardt)
Video link
ASI Let's Grow Webinar (2017)
American Sheep Industry Association Let's Grow Program
Replacement ewe selection and culling unproductive ewes (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation
Special Topics Webinars (2016)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Getting things right for parasite control in sheep and goats (Gareth Bath)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
EBVs for Beginners (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Minerals and Vitamin Nutrition (Dan Morrical)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Natural parasite control (Dahlia O'Brien)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Sericea lespedeza (Niki Whitley)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Toxic Plants (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation
Webinar short course: pasture management for small ruminant producers (2015)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Pasture plants, including alternative forages (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Pasture and grazing management (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Pasture nutrition (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Pasture health problems (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Planning a pasture system (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation
National Sheep Improvement Program (2014)
NSIP Relaunch Committee
How the sheep industry can benefit from NSIP (Robert Banks)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
How the goat industry can benefit from NSIP (Ken Andries)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
How, when, and what data to collect (Cody Heimke)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Challenge of moving to a performance based flock (Bill Schultz)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
How to enter and submit data (Chris Schauer)
YouTube video -
Producer panel
YouTube video
Webinar Short Course: Sheep and Goat Health (2014)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Biosecurity (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Preventative health care (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Diagnosis and treatment of disease (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Common health problems (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Disease management (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation
Webinar short course: Ethnic marketing of lamb and mutton (2013)
University of Maryland | University of Maine | Ohio State University
Supported by the American Sheep Industry Association's Let's Grow Program
Ethnic market background (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Understanding the ethnic customer (Katherine Harrison)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Understanding and evaluating your marketing options (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Developing a production and marketing plan (Richard Ehrhardt)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation
Webinar short course: Breeding better sheep and goats (2013)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Genetics 101 (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Breeding systems (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Selection (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Performance evaluation (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Advanced genetic improvement (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation
Webinar Short Course: Feeding and Nutrition (2012)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian, Jeff Semler, and Willie Lantz
Digestive physiology (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Nutrients (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Feedstuffs (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Nutritional management (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Ration balancing (Willie Lantz)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation -
Nutritional disorders (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation
Spring Worm Webinars (2011)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Parasite biology (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Integrated parasite management (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Diagnostic tools for worm control (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Using anthelmintics effectively (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation
Webinar Short Course: Ewe and Doe Management (2011)
University of Maryland: Susan Schoenian and Jeff Semler
Late gestation (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Vaccinations (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Parturition (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Neonatal care (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint Presentation -
Lactation (Jeff Semler)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation -
Weaning (Susan Schoenian)
YouTube video | PowerPoint presentation
To learn about upcoming webinars, subscribe to the webinar listserv, send an e-mail to listserv@listserv.umd.edu. In the body of the message, write subscribe sheepgoatwebinars. To unsubscribe from the listserv, send an email to the same e-mail address, but in the body of the message, write unsubscribe (or signoff) sheepgoatwebinars. If you wish to use a different e-mail for the webinar listserv, you'll need to unsubscribe with the old e-mail address and (re-)subscribe with the new address.