This page contains links to Excel spreadsheets that producers (and others) can use to help make decisions pertaining to their sheep and goat enterprises. Some of the spreadsheets are password protected, so that formulas aren't accidently replaced. Contact Susan at sschoen@umd.edu for the password to unlock the spreadsheet. Feel free to adapt spreadsheets for your own use.
Enterprise budgets
Feeder budget
2016 Goat Seedstock
2013 Meat Goat Budget
2013 Sheep Budget
2016 Sheep Seedstock
2017 Detailed Sheep Enterprise Budget
2017 Detailed Meat Goat Enterprise Budget
2016 Detailed Wool Sheep Enterprise Budget (allows individual fleece sales)
2016 Detailed Sheep Seedstock Enterprise Budget (allows sales of breeding stock and show wethers)
Comparison of Nutrient Costs for Different Feedstuffs
Maryland Dairy Goat Ration Evaluator - uses 2007 NRC requirements
Maryland Meat Goat Ration Evaluator - uses 2007 NRC requirements
(old) Ration Evaluator - uses 1985 NRC requirements
Ration Mixer - batch mix feed
UME Sheep Ration Evaluator - uses 2007 NRC requirements
Comparison of Marketing Alternatives
Partial Budget
What weight to sell lambs/kids
Partial budgets for surplus (bonus) lambs/kids
Last updated 02.16.24 by Susan Schoenian.