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Skillathon Winners Announced

Ninety youth competed in the Junior Sheep & Goat Skillathon, held May 6 at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. Ten stations tested the youth's knowledge of sheep and goats; feed ID, breed ID, equipment ID, fiber id, meat ID, fleece judging, hay judging, sheep judging, worms, and written test. Youth competed according to their age as of January 1: junior, 8-10; intermediate, 11-13; and senior, 14-18.

Top 10 juniors

Twenty juniors competed. Emily Gale from St. Mary's County was the first place junior. Nathaniel Smith from Cecil County was second. Abigail Willis from Greene County, Pennsylvania, was third. St. Mary's County had the first place junior team. Team members included Ricky Arnold, Emily Gale, and Trent Vallandingham. Cecil County was second. Frederick County was third.

Top 10 intermediates

Forty-one intermediates competed. Marie-Claire des Rosiers from Shenandoah County, Virginia, was the first place intermediate. Matthew Simpson from Jefferson County, West Virginia, placed second. Mary Rose from Frederick County was third. The first place intermediate team was Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Team members included Taylor Flahart, Keri Kunjappu, Jenn Smith, and Eric Zimmerman. The second place team was Adams County, Pennsylvania. Frederick County was third.

Top 10 seniors

Thirty-two seniors competed. Brigid King from Queen Anne's County was the first place senior. Lizzy Miller from Montgomery County was second. Kyle Schulze from Carroll County was third. The first place senior team was Montgomery County. Team members included Caitlyn Gardiner, Lizzy Miller, and Anthony Righter. The second place team was Frederick County. Carroll County was third.

Special recognition was given to the top scorers in the three wool stations (fleece judging, sheep judging, and fiber ID). The top junior was Jordyn Wetzel from Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. Marie-Claire des Rosiers was the top scoring intermediate. The top senior was Brigid King.

Special recognition was given to the top scorers in the fourother ID stations (breed ID, feed ID, equipment ID, and meat ID). The top scoring junior was Reed Mason from Cecil County. Marie-Claire des Rosiers scored the most points among intermediates. Brigid King was the top senior.

Special awards provided by University of Maryland Extension

The Maryland Sheep Breeders Association provided ribbons and premiums to the top 10 individuals in each age category. Festival t-shirts were given to members of the top three teams in each age division. Additional awards were provided by University of Maryland Extension: plaques and Farm-to-Feet wool socks.

The Junior Sheep & Goat Skillathon is always held the Sunday of the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. The Festival is always held the first full weekend of May.


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