APPS for Sheep and Goat Producers, A-Z
"App" is short for "application" - which is another name for a computer program. Normally, when people talk about apps they are almost always referring to programs that run on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablet computers. This web site has identified apps that may be of interest to sheep and goat producers. They are listed alphabetically. Feel free to suggest other apps that you think may be of interest to small ruminant producers. Send your suggestions to sschoen@umd.edu.
4-H Livestock Record (2020) - Free [USA]
Keeping records for a 4-H project? This app helps you organize your market livestock project information on your iPhone or iPad and send customized reports to your email inbox. Developed by New Mexico State University. Web site Apple
AgriWebb (2017 - Try for free - annual fee [USA]
Unlock your farm’s full potential with the AgriWebb Mobile app. Save time and record all your farm records while standing in the paddock. The AgriWebb app allows you to enter records offline, which means your work is done at the end of the day! Web site Apple Google
Animal & Veterinary Drugs (2017) - $0.99 [USA]
Over 2400 drug listings. Ability to search by animal. Drug information comes from the FDA Veterinary Drug Database. Alphabetical listing by brand names. Apple
BreedBarn Gestation Calculator (2024) - free
Easily determine due dates and breeding dates of livestock and save them to your calendar. User-friendly interface and precise breeding schedules. Apple
breedSmart - subscription
If you keep and breed dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, horses, goats, pigs, rabbits, monkeys, llamas, skunks, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, rats or any other type of pet or livestock you can use the breedSmart app! Web site Apple
CVP Vet (US) (2017) - Free [USA]
Most complete and concise reference available. Features over 5,900 pharmaceutical, biological, feed medication and parasiticide product monographs. Over 260 manufacturers/distributors and their contact information. Apple Google
Gestimator (2020) - Free [Nigeria]
Gestimator is free animal pregnancy term calculator designed by a farmer for farmers. The app covers gestations estimations of various farm and domestic animals and Pets. Google
Feed Mix Calculator (2019) - $1.99 [USA]
Feed Mix Calculator quickly finds the right mix of two feeds to make a ration that meets the daily nutrient requirements of the animal. Uses the pearson square algorithm to calculate results. Apple
FARAD's VetGRAM (2020) - Free [USA]
FDA Approved Animal Drugs. The Veterinarian's Guide to Residue Avoidance Management (VetGRAM) is the most comprehensive and up-to-date information resource for drugs approved in food-producing animal species. Apple Google
Farming Goat (2022) - Free [India]
The Farming Goat app is goat farm management app for livestock farming ensures unique identification of each animal and keeps track of all their individual information related to all animal details, health status, productivity and more. Web site Google
FarmKeep (2024) - Subscription
FarmKeep is the only app you need to easily manage all your animals, breeding, production, finances, and more. Whether you are a backyard chicken enthusiast, homesteader, hobby farmer, or small to mid size business, FarmKeep supports your needs and grows with you. Designed for iPad. Web site Apple Google
FarmWorks by Shearwell Data (2019) - subscription [United Kingdom]
App allowing livestock farmers to manage their sheep and cattle animal records while out on the farm. To use the app you must also have FarmWorks by Shearwell Data Ltd installed on your desktop computer and have a valid support subscription. Google
Flocket | SheepDogAG (2024) - free [Ireland]
A mobile app that allows Farmers to manage their flock records from their pocket. You can update your records real time on the farm as you complete your flock activities. Flocket is a sheep only app for Irish Sheep farmers.
Apple Google
Goat Farming Guide (2022) - Free
Goat farming guide. Goat diseases and Prevention. Google
Hay Price Calc (2020) - $0.99 [USA]
Buy hay the smart way! Many horse owners and hobby farmers purchase hay by the bale. However, the more economical way to purchase and compare different hay types is to calculate the price per ton. Developed by the University of Minnesota. Apple Google
HerdBoss (2022) - Free to try - subscription [USA]
If you are a sheep breeder, HerdBoss will revolutionize the way you do business! Keeping track of all the details about a flock of sheep can be a headache. HerdBoss solves this problem! A complete end-to-end solution. Web site Apple Google
HerdHelp (2022) - Free to try - subscription [USA]
Livestock management with detailed tracking of your animals. Herd Help gives you the power to manage your livestock seamlessly. Web site Apple
Homesteader Helper (2020) - $0.99 [USA]
Homesteader Helper is an iOS app for small farmers and homesteaders to help manage their farm animals. Apple
ID Weeds (2020) - Free [USA]
Produced by the University of Missouri, ID Weeds allows you to search for weeds by their common or Latin name, view a list of weeds, or identify weeds based upon a number of different characteristics. Web site Apple
Idaho Grasses (2022) - $7.99 [USA]
The purpose of this project is to develop a user-friendly field guide to grasses and grass-like plants in Idaho, specifically geared to those with limited background in botany. Apple Google
iLivestock - Free to try - subscription [United Kingdom]
iLivestock is designed to fit your farm and your routine, whatever that looks like. We don't believe limiting users to a certain way of working or using specific hardware benefits anyone. Web site Apple Google
The Lambing Book (2018) [USA]
Experience the ease of keeping track of lamb records with The Lambing Book. Add lamb information such as lamb id, birth weight, gender, date, and even comments about the lamb. It has never been easier to do! Google
Lamb and Goat Price Market Forecast (2022) - Free [USA]
This application is designed for Texas sheep and goat producers to predict the change in value of light weight slaughter lambs and kid goats. Web site Apple
Lambing Planner (2017) - Free [Australia]
The Lambing Planner app by DAFWA and ASHEEP group of Esperance in Western Australia helps sheep managers map the breeding cycle for sheep and gives key recommendations on management operations that make up the breeding cycle. Web site Apple Google
Livestock Carcass Calculator (2015) - Free [USA]
WSU Livestock Carcass Grade & Cutability Calculator is a simple way to calculate carcass yield grade, dressing percentages, and cutability of beef, pork and lamb carcasses. Web site Apple
Livestocked (2022) - Free to try - subscription [USA]
Enjoy multi-species and multi-breed herd management through our mixed enterprise solution. Manage your herd, flock, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, alpacas & Llamas through one easy to use app. Web site Apple Google Microsoft
Livestock Gestation Calculator (2020) - Free
A fully functional livestock gestation calculator. Select your breeding date and the calculator will automatically give you the average birth date for your livestock option. Apple
Livestock Judging Score Calc (2016) - Free
Score calculator for livestock judging classes
Apple Google
Meat Cuts (2021) - Free [Australia]
The Meat Cuts app is your number one destination for information about beef, lamb, veal and goat cuts. Apple Google
Merck Veterinary Manual (2020) - Free [USA]
The Merck Veterinary Manual, a renowned animal health reference for more than 60 years, covers all species and disorders of veterinary interest worldwide. Apple Google
Montana Grasses (2023) - $5.00 [USA]
Montana State University's College of Agriculture presents a grass identification guide for Montana with over 260 species. Web site Apple Google
MSUES Break Even (2020) - Free [USA]
Be more knowledgeable when making livestock purchases and sales. With just a few bits of information about your livestock you can know the minimum price that will put you in the black (profitable) and keep you out of the red. Apple
My Goat Manager Farming App (2024) - subscription [Bivatec Ltd]
Introducing the Ultimate Goat Management App: Simplify Your Farming Operations and Enhance Productivity.
Web site Apple Google
My Sheep Manager Farming App (2023) - subscription [Bivatec Ltd]
Transform your sheep farming experience with My Sheep Manager. Say goodbye to paperwork and hello to streamlined operations, enhanced productivity, and happier sheep! Web site Apple Google
OvinApp (2024) - free download (cost based on number of animals)
OvinApp is the software for sheep and goats that allows you to manage, control, analyze and make the best decisions based on information from your records for the efficient administration of your resources and sheep or goat management. Web site Apple Google
OvinoPro (2023) [Brazil]
Software for livestock management and control of your ovine herd. Abandon paper and save time with the OvinoPro application, which works even without internet anywhere on your property. Web site Googl
Parasit Xpert (2022) - Free [Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma]
Atlas of parasitic diseases in ruminants. A diagnostic tool for the identification of parasites and the lesions they cause. Apple Google
Picture This Plant Identifier (2023) - free to try - annual fee [USA]
PictureThis identifies 1,000,000+ plants every day with 98% accuracy - better than most human experts. Apple Google
PlantNet Plant Identification (2023) - free [USA]
PlantNet is an application that allows you to identify plants simply by photographing them with your smartphone. Apple Google
Sheep App (2021) - Free [India]
Sheep App is a Sheep Farm Management app to help Sheep producers to manage their sheep data. Sheep App allows you to keeps track of all their individual information, and generate reports. Google
Sheep by Herdwatch (2023) Free version and 90-day free trial | annual subscription [Ireland]
Welcome to the No. 1 livestock management app in Ireland & the UK. Join over 18,000 sheep, beef and dairy farmers, get started for free & feel the difference! Web site Apple Google
Sheep EAD AR (2022) - Free [Australia]
An augmented reality experience to help educate on how to recognize Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD) in sheep. Apple
USDA Market News (2022) - Free [USA]
The USDA Market News mobile application gives you instant access to market reports and information published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Designed for iPad. Apple Google
Veterinary Handbook for Cattle, Sheep, and Goats (2019) - $1.99-$2.79 [Australia]
The Veterinary Handbook app for cattle, sheep and goats is a comprehensive, mobile resource for veterinarians, animal health professionals, livestock producers, livestock handlers and veterinary and agricultural students. Apple Google
Page last updated 03.14.25.