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Suggested books for sheep and goat producers


The following books are recommended for sheep and goat producers. Many are available from Amazon and similar online book retailers. Animal health and livestock supply companies sell many of these books. Some of the books may be available at local libraries or extension offices.  If you'd like to suggest a book for the list, send me an email at  For books that are FREE to download go to E-books.  


       *** RECOMMENDED ***

  1. Capturing Sunlight (2020) by Woody Lane

  2. Code of Practice for Preparation of Wool Clips (2021) from ASI

  3. A Compilation of the Wit and Wisdom of The Goat Man (Frank Pinkerton)

  4. Dairy Goat Production Handbook from Langston University

  5. Goat Medicine 3rd edition (2022) by Mary Smith and David Sherman ***

  6. Goat Resource Handbook from Ohio State University

  7. Goat Science and Production by Sandra Solaiman (ed.) (2010)

  8. Lambing Problems: Detecting, Diagnosing, Treating (1996) by Laura Lawson

  9. Managing Your Ewe and Her Newborn Lambs (2013) by Laura Lawson

  10. A Manual of Lambing Techniques (2005) by Winter and Hill

  11. Meat Goat Production Handbook from Langston University

  12. Merck Veterinary Manual 11th edition (2016)

  13. Natural Goat Care (2015) by Pat Coleby 

  14. Natural Sheep Care (2015) by Pat Coleby

  15. Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants by National Resource Council

  16. Pipestone's Veterinary Guide to Sheep & Goats by G.F. Kennedy

  17. Raising Goats Naturally by Deborah Niemann

  18. Raising Sheep the Modern Way (1989) by Pat Simmons

  19. The Sheep Book: A Handbook for the Modern Shepherd (2001) by Ron Parker 

  20. Sheep, Goat, and Cervid Medicine 3rd edition (2020) by D. Pugh et al. 

  21. Sheep Research Handbook for Market and Breeding Projects from Ohio State University

  22. SID Sheep Production Handbook by American Sheep Industry Association (2015)  ***

  23. Storey's Barn Guide to Sheep (2006)

  24. Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats

  25. Storey's Guide to Raising Meat Goats by Maggie Sayer

  26. Storey's Guide to Raising Sheep

  27. Targeted Grazing 101: Starting and Sustaining a Grazing Service Enterprise (2025) from ASI

  28. TV Vet Sheep Book: Recognition and Treatment of Common Sheep Ailments (vintage 1970's)

  29. The Veterinary Book for Sheep Farmers (1990) by David Henderson

  30. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology 8th edition (2012) by Anne Zajac  ***

  31. Veterinary Parasitology by William Foreyt 5th edition (2001)

Last updated 03.24.25.

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