Articles and Info Sheets
Most of these articles were written by Susan Schoenian. They are organized according to general subject matter. All articles, including pictures, may be reprinted for educational purposes with permission from the author.
Latest article: Sheep in Ireland
My recent trip to Ireland wasn’t sheep-related, but I saw a lot of sheep, which got me interested in learning more about the Irish sheep industry. Ireland is the 4th largest sheep meat exporter in the world. There are approximately 6.3 million sheep in Ireland. This includes Northern Ireland with about 2.1 million head. By way of comparison, the whole US only has about 5 million sheep and doesn’t even rank in the top 10 for sheep meat exports.
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Carcass evaluation
2009 goat carcass evaluation
2010 goat carcass evaluation
2011 goat carcass comparison
2012 Pen vs. Pasture Study
2013 Pen vs. Pasture Study
2014 Pen vs. Pasture Study
2016 Performance & Carcass Contest
Feeding and nutrition
Colostrum: "liquid gold"
Comparing feed costs
Coping with high feed costs
Creep feeding primer
Flushing: Yes or No?
General guidelines for feeding sheep and goats
Hydroponic fodder: is it a viable option for feeding sheep, goats, and other livestock?
Introduction to feeding small ruminants
Raising lambs and kids artificially
Ration balancing software for sheep and goats
Soyhulls: the "almost perfect" feed
The truth about feeding grain: feeding grain to small ruminants
General topics
Healthy animals produce healthy food: antibiotic use in the sheep, goat, and livestock industry
Grassfed lamb and goat
Raising sheep and goats organically
Sheep and goats as pets
Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD): What Does it Mean to Sheep & Goat Producers?
Hair sheep
Hair sheep production and marketing
Perhaps you should consider hair sheep
An update on hair sheep in the U.S.
Health and diseases
Abomasal bloat
CD-T vaccinations
Copper toxicity in sheep
Diarrhea (scours) in small ruminants
General health care of sheep and goats
Heat stress in sheep and goats
Infectious causes of abortion in ewes
Infectious keratoconjunctivitis (pink eye)
Mastitis in ewes and does
Milk fever strikes
Natural and homemade remedies (updated 2023)
An overview of sheep diseases (2015)
Pregnancy toxemia in ewes and does
Rectal prolapses: a complex problem with many contributing factors
Soremouth (orf) in sheep and goats
An update on scrapie
Urinary calculi in sheep and goats
Vaccinating for overeating disease
Vaccinations for sheep and goat flocks
White muscle disease in sheep and goats
Internal parasites
Coccidiosis: Sheep 201
Conflicting information about worm control
Diatomaceous Earth: a Review of the Scientific Literature
[PDF] Livestock parasitology 101
Meningeal worm (Paralaphostrongylus tenius)
Revisiting copper toxicity in sheep: should you deworm with COWP's?
Slowing drug resistance. Dewormer resistance is inevitable, but the rate by which it develops is not
Tapeworms: problem or not?
Understanding anthelmintics
International Experiences
Back to the Islands: the British Virgin Islands
Barbados Blackbellies: a national treasure
A bright future: Kazakhstan revisited
The Big Five (South Africa) (2015)
Canarian goats and French sheep
China's Mega Sheep
Dairy goat production in China
Dairy goats in the land of chocolate
A forgotten country: Moldova
Hair sheep production in the Caribbean
Great Yorkshire Dales
Judging sheep and goats in the Dominican Republic
[IMAGES] Memories of the USSR: my first trip abroad
Merino: King of Sheep
Raising sheep in paradise: Trinidad and Tobago
Raising sheep in South Kazakhstan
Sheep and goat production in Egypt
Sheep in Ireland: an American's Perspective (2023)
Six months in Poland with a Maryland county agent
World Sheep Congress (Mexico): a personal account
Marketing and economics
Economics of raising meat goats and sheep
Ethnic Holiday Calendar | PDF
In defense of on-farm slaughter: legalities and discussion
Marketing claims for sheep and goat products
Producing and selling sheep and goats to the ethnic markets
Sheep Pelts: Asset or Liability
Tips for selling sheep and goats through public livestock auctions